¡Bienvenidas Amigas Latinas!

¡Bienvenidas Amigas Latinas!
Este blog fue creado especialmente para mis amigas latinas contagiadas con la fiebre amarilla (¡y no es el flavivirus!). Si tienes los siguiente síntomas eres víctima del tsunami mas devastador de nuestra era:
* tienes los ojos hinchados: porque te amaneces viendo los nuevos episodios de K-drama,
* comes pescado crudo, y repollo fermentado con palillos (chopsticks),
* actualizaste tu pasaporte (o ya enviaste por el), y estás ahorrando los mile$$ para darte el viajecito en el futuro,
* te inscribiste en clases para aprender a hablar coreano, chino o japonés con la esperanza de comunicarte con tu ídolo cuando visites su país (¡espero que no sea un personaje de anime!),
*cantas las melodías de 2PM o de UVERworld, y,¡ni las entiendes!,
* perdiste el interés en tus compueblanos (¿qué compueblanos? ¡ja!) y miras hambrienta los pocos asiáticos que cruzan tu camino...

Pues, te invito a registrarte y para que compartas tu experiencia. Dime cómo y cuando te contagiaste, que cambios en tu vida ha traído esta influencia; si estas en busca de una pareja asiática o si ya la tienes (aunque por lo visto, no son muy comunes).

Vamos a unir nuestras voces, y a la vez fusionar los mercados mas grandes del mundo: el latino y el asiático. ¡Quien sabe! quizás nos escuchen a lo lejos y respondan; o mejor aún ¡nos visiten!...

Anímate, escribe pronto, ¿ok?
Te espero,
100% Latina

Contagiadas por la fiebre amarilla

Contagiadas por la fiebre amarilla...
Adictiva, emotiva y, desgarradoramente atractiva así son los dramas, películas y bandas musicales asiáticas. Están atrayendo a la mujer latina con una rapidez sorprendente.

Aquí podremos analizar nuestra adicción, compartir con otras latinas contagiadas, y alegrarnos de comprobar que no estamos solas. Mujeres de todas las edades están envueltas en este fenómeno, y no necesariamente por romanticismo (en mi caso yo estoy pasadita para amores idílicos)... sino porque nos agrada la variedad y lo nuevo.

Traeré variedad de comentarios y noticias para continuar alimentando la adicción.

Spanglish Welcomed!

Spanglish Welcomed!
For the Latina that has a hard time reading Spanish, follow the comments posted in English, too.

This blog was created for the Latina stricken with the yellow fever -not the flavivirus!- but the illness of being addicted to Asian productions such as drama, movies, music, anime or just the Asian culture in general.

The purpose is to gather your impressions, and to connect with other Latinas living the trend. It would also be great to get to know about Latina-Asian couples (it seems they are very rare).

Hope to hear from your experience!

Venciendo el estereotipo

Venciendo el estereotipo y prejuicio racial...
Vemos mas allá de los esterotipos y discriminación difundida en nuestra cultura latina por mala propaganda e ignorancia.


Moving on to Japan...

You REALLY want
 to take it 
Before leaving Korea, just one more suggestion: join Global Cyworld. The biggest social networking in Korea that is launching (for the second time) to world wide users. Don't let the cute cartoons and k-pop images fool you, there's some serious formatting, setting-up, "clubbing", posting and networking going on inside once you register. It has an international ambiance, offering options in several languages. And yes!, I did open a club in there, too. Click here and sign up to Fusionlatinasia Cy World club in the most popular social networking site in Korea.

I wonder if any of my tips is actually helping my dear reader in her Asian-boyfriend search? If not, well, I bet she's getting to know people around the world.

Moving on to Japan... it truly is a breeze to search for the networking options, including the local ones. Here's just two that are closer to me:

  • The Japan America Society of San Antonio (JASSA): site that the International Relations office kindly referred to me. Here I found cultural and educational opportunities through the society. The sister city agreement (San Antonio/Kumamoto City) is celebrating it's 25th anniversary, and JASSA will be promoting the events. It has a membership fee if you want some other benefits like discounts on events and language classes. I'll be joining soon, but first in my list is the Asian Festival by the end of this month. 
  • The Japan Society: a 40 year old society created to promote US and Japan relations. They have a paid membership, as well, but you can browse at no cost for information regarding social and cultural events, seminars, or even view mini language lessons on videos. These come very handy for nosy beginners like me. Remember, language is a must when assimilating a new culture (and a boyfriend).
Look up for the Japanese community near you, most likely they offer interesting programs. For sure, you'll find well organized and accessible information. This a good way to meet Japanese people genuinely interested in sharing about their culture.

I also thought about creating a group in some of Japan's best social networking, for example: Mixi, but it's not available in English, (my Japanaese is limited to hi & bye). Besides, the #1 preference is mobile networking apparently due to the anonymity, so Twitter is dominating, too. Another site is eGenki, but the group's discussions are very (very) slow. Sorry, but I'm not willing to sit there and wait, like in Visit Korea. 

According to Ad Age Digital, "just 28% of Japanese internet users visit social-media sites on a monthly basis". Specifically, "Only 13% of online Japanese adults visit Facebook on a monthly basis". I wonder what's the percentage of adults randomly searching for blogs? *cricket chirp*.

Clearly, the internet is not the best option to make a connection with a Japanese, nonetheless, establish a relationship. Unless you REALLY want to take it slow. So get up and join an Asian community, the American born are more accessible and happy to personally meet us. 


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