¡Bienvenidas Amigas Latinas!

¡Bienvenidas Amigas Latinas!
Este blog fue creado especialmente para mis amigas latinas contagiadas con la fiebre amarilla (¡y no es el flavivirus!). Si tienes los siguiente síntomas eres víctima del tsunami mas devastador de nuestra era:
* tienes los ojos hinchados: porque te amaneces viendo los nuevos episodios de K-drama,
* comes pescado crudo, y repollo fermentado con palillos (chopsticks),
* actualizaste tu pasaporte (o ya enviaste por el), y estás ahorrando los mile$$ para darte el viajecito en el futuro,
* te inscribiste en clases para aprender a hablar coreano, chino o japonés con la esperanza de comunicarte con tu ídolo cuando visites su país (¡espero que no sea un personaje de anime!),
*cantas las melodías de 2PM o de UVERworld, y,¡ni las entiendes!,
* perdiste el interés en tus compueblanos (¿qué compueblanos? ¡ja!) y miras hambrienta los pocos asiáticos que cruzan tu camino...

Pues, te invito a registrarte y para que compartas tu experiencia. Dime cómo y cuando te contagiaste, que cambios en tu vida ha traído esta influencia; si estas en busca de una pareja asiática o si ya la tienes (aunque por lo visto, no son muy comunes).

Vamos a unir nuestras voces, y a la vez fusionar los mercados mas grandes del mundo: el latino y el asiático. ¡Quien sabe! quizás nos escuchen a lo lejos y respondan; o mejor aún ¡nos visiten!...

Anímate, escribe pronto, ¿ok?
Te espero,
100% Latina

Contagiadas por la fiebre amarilla

Contagiadas por la fiebre amarilla...
Adictiva, emotiva y, desgarradoramente atractiva así son los dramas, películas y bandas musicales asiáticas. Están atrayendo a la mujer latina con una rapidez sorprendente.

Aquí podremos analizar nuestra adicción, compartir con otras latinas contagiadas, y alegrarnos de comprobar que no estamos solas. Mujeres de todas las edades están envueltas en este fenómeno, y no necesariamente por romanticismo (en mi caso yo estoy pasadita para amores idílicos)... sino porque nos agrada la variedad y lo nuevo.

Traeré variedad de comentarios y noticias para continuar alimentando la adicción.

Spanglish Welcomed!

Spanglish Welcomed!
For the Latina that has a hard time reading Spanish, follow the comments posted in English, too.

This blog was created for the Latina stricken with the yellow fever -not the flavivirus!- but the illness of being addicted to Asian productions such as drama, movies, music, anime or just the Asian culture in general.

The purpose is to gather your impressions, and to connect with other Latinas living the trend. It would also be great to get to know about Latina-Asian couples (it seems they are very rare).

Hope to hear from your experience!

Venciendo el estereotipo

Venciendo el estereotipo y prejuicio racial...
Vemos mas allá de los esterotipos y discriminación difundida en nuestra cultura latina por mala propaganda e ignorancia.


"I want an Asian Boyfriend" (Part 2)

Quite frankly, it is easier to establish business relationships between two continents than to find a boyfriend. But, I did accept the challenge in my last blog. So, I initiated the search with general population statistics and arranged according to our interests:

First: ¿where are the Asians?
After reviewing US and world census, I prepared a cute numerical table. But the more I compared the countries the more frustrating it was. So, after deleting my table, this was all that was left, the painful truth (here it goes!): worldwide male population is lower than female. This might as well be one of the most common statements about population.  But after closely looking at the numbers I appreciated this truth yet from another perspective: women’s quality of life in general, but that’s a totally different subject for now.
Male/Female population disproportion
Second: ¿How many women are there? Looking into Latin America’s situation had me on the verge of tears: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, EEUU, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Uruguay... the female population is higher! Some countries have twice the amount of women than men, and the country that does have male advantage is just a slight one. In other words, the local product –the one you said is no good- is in short supply. If you still doubt it, visit: http://www.geohive.com/earth/pop_gender.aspx. In brief: the supply/demand imbalance is worldwide. These are the facts, let’s keep on with what we have so far.
Third: ¿Where to look?
Well, in China, where else? Seriously, it is the only country with a higher male population, and not even entirely, there are regions that the opposite is true. Here are some other countries with a higher male population, too: Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Korea (just a little higher), New Caledonia (remember Boys over Flower?), Pakistan, Singapore, and (not limited to) United Arab Emirates. In short, your fantasy about the romantic encounter with a gorgeous Asian walking down the streets of San Juan… not happening! Sorry!
Fourth: ¿What can we do?
Go there! Just pay a visit or move to the country of your dreams, it’s the most logical option. This advice may sound rude, seems like saying: “you want a Korean? Well go to Korea!” but it makes sense. Besides, when you really want something, you go for it!
On the other hand, if traveling is not within your means, then internet is a good option, for several reasons:

  • To be prepared, maybe, before a trip (learn the language, the traditions, political situation, and such)
  • Or to make social connections (groups, pen pals, virtual friends and, finding love interests). There’s countless of groups available through the internet. The dating sites are among the most popular.

Dating sites: are effective,
Recently, I had to admit to my friends (that  insisted for years) that the dating sites are effective. We all know at least one case of virtual love, right? So, out of curiosity -and to get my dear friends off my back–, I signed up to several of them and was surprised with the quick response (probably my pic with a covered eye helped). BUT, once I paid to see who sent the messages, how disappointing! Everyone and their uncle shows up, regardless if they fit your preferences or not. Obviously, I requested Asian men, but my list consisted of every ethnicity (not to mention the untidy and weirdos…) It seemed they ignored, or worse, did not read my profile. Out of 45 messages only one was kind enough to mention my profile (a teacher, of course). I compared the experience with hanging out at a club where you will find all kinds of guys. You get to meet new people, but you can't trust their intentions. Besides, it’s not the place to make simple friends it is exclusively to find a partner, serving it's purpose. For me,  it's  the “lower impact” sites I like, such as: sinoplaybook.com, where Chinese and expats meet, just friendly and non-invasive people.
Finally: local and international resources
The office of International Relations in San Antonio, TX has 8 sister cities in other countries, many in Asia (under a federal program). I just requested some information about social networking with these cities. It seems a great way to meet people that are genuinely interested in the intercultural subject. It’s very different from the “grab and go” mentality of the dating sites. After all, the purpose of my blog is to connect with people that value their heritage as much I value being a Latina. Hopefully, we’ll soon communicate.

In conclusion, it is a fact that women are the majority in the world population, so let’s take the first step. Simply put: if you want fresh baked bread, you go to your neighborhood's bakery, right? The same goes for your loved one: if you want to meet an Asian, go to China. Here’s a video of a new Taiwanese group (Lollipop: “Go Crazy") so can you get start with the Chinese assimilation, as well. Notice the heavy K-pop influence, it is not a coincidence that this style has grown strong in Asia. WHY DO YOU THINK THIS IS??? To attract the ladies, of course! Now, what more do you girls want? These guys are already flirting!

As you well know, your comments are more than welcomed. Tell me about your plans to find an Asian boyfriend. But please, don't live up to those idealistic female characters of Asian dramas or Anime. These are only for entertainment and to feed our fantasy, not for real life situations, ok? Zàijiàn


  1. Hello everyone.Let me start off by congratulating Sandra for starting something as interesting as this and doing a great job at it.
    I happen to be an Asian guy,not quite from the fantasy world on TV but nevertheless Asian :)
    I always thought,when it came to packaging beauty and sensuality,the Latinas are right up there.
    I have always found the intercultural subject very stimulating,so coming across this blog site instantly had my attention.
    Far too often we let our preconceived notions serve as barriers for any kind of communication but as Sandra has listed in her blog,there are many ways to bring all those barriers down.
    So to all the Latinas and Asian men out there,if you are still thinking,I say stop thinking and dare a little, you might be pleasantly surprised!!! Buena Suerte!!!

  2. WOW! Very motivating! I had a Thai ex-co worker that even in the worst of days she would say: "Life's too SHORT!

  3. Oh wow! who is this asian guy? just by reading his comments he got my attention.

  4. I am glad you found it motivating because I am just as encouraged.I had come across a beautiful poem about a rainbow a few days ago.Perhaps one can relate a rainbow to intercultural relationships. Just as colours of life exist independently,each one having its own identity and beauty,yet can be combined into one colour white,so can intercultural relationships :)
    In response to the other anonymous reader,well I am just a regular asian guy but over the years have certainly developed a flair for latinas.
    Life is indeed too short so get out there and sing a rainbow!! Have a great day everyone :)

  5. White... you just gave me idea...I'll keep this in mind when I get a chance to redo the blog's presentation. Thanks, Anónimo for sharing with us.

  6. Great!!! Will definitely look forward to your new ideas :-)
