¡Bienvenidas Amigas Latinas!

¡Bienvenidas Amigas Latinas!
Este blog fue creado especialmente para mis amigas latinas contagiadas con la fiebre amarilla (¡y no es el flavivirus!). Si tienes los siguiente síntomas eres víctima del tsunami mas devastador de nuestra era:
* tienes los ojos hinchados: porque te amaneces viendo los nuevos episodios de K-drama,
* comes pescado crudo, y repollo fermentado con palillos (chopsticks),
* actualizaste tu pasaporte (o ya enviaste por el), y estás ahorrando los mile$$ para darte el viajecito en el futuro,
* te inscribiste en clases para aprender a hablar coreano, chino o japonés con la esperanza de comunicarte con tu ídolo cuando visites su país (¡espero que no sea un personaje de anime!),
*cantas las melodías de 2PM o de UVERworld, y,¡ni las entiendes!,
* perdiste el interés en tus compueblanos (¿qué compueblanos? ¡ja!) y miras hambrienta los pocos asiáticos que cruzan tu camino...

Pues, te invito a registrarte y para que compartas tu experiencia. Dime cómo y cuando te contagiaste, que cambios en tu vida ha traído esta influencia; si estas en busca de una pareja asiática o si ya la tienes (aunque por lo visto, no son muy comunes).

Vamos a unir nuestras voces, y a la vez fusionar los mercados mas grandes del mundo: el latino y el asiático. ¡Quien sabe! quizás nos escuchen a lo lejos y respondan; o mejor aún ¡nos visiten!...

Anímate, escribe pronto, ¿ok?
Te espero,
100% Latina

Contagiadas por la fiebre amarilla

Contagiadas por la fiebre amarilla...
Adictiva, emotiva y, desgarradoramente atractiva así son los dramas, películas y bandas musicales asiáticas. Están atrayendo a la mujer latina con una rapidez sorprendente.

Aquí podremos analizar nuestra adicción, compartir con otras latinas contagiadas, y alegrarnos de comprobar que no estamos solas. Mujeres de todas las edades están envueltas en este fenómeno, y no necesariamente por romanticismo (en mi caso yo estoy pasadita para amores idílicos)... sino porque nos agrada la variedad y lo nuevo.

Traeré variedad de comentarios y noticias para continuar alimentando la adicción.

Spanglish Welcomed!

Spanglish Welcomed!
For the Latina that has a hard time reading Spanish, follow the comments posted in English, too.

This blog was created for the Latina stricken with the yellow fever -not the flavivirus!- but the illness of being addicted to Asian productions such as drama, movies, music, anime or just the Asian culture in general.

The purpose is to gather your impressions, and to connect with other Latinas living the trend. It would also be great to get to know about Latina-Asian couples (it seems they are very rare).

Hope to hear from your experience!

Venciendo el estereotipo

Venciendo el estereotipo y prejuicio racial...
Vemos mas allá de los esterotipos y discriminación difundida en nuestra cultura latina por mala propaganda e ignorancia.


Korea: beyond K-drama and K-pop

It's Christmas eve!, hope you are all getting ready to have a peaceful and a very Merry Christmas.  I feel very lucky to be doing what I enjoy most: writing and blogging on a special day like this. Plus, I love intercultural topics.

Beyond fabulous Jung Il Woo...
(Jung Il Woo in 49 Days; manhwa.sportchosun.com)
So, I'll continue with Korea, the country that is steeling Latina's hearts with every K-drama and K-pop groups. There is so much to say about this topic: plots, actors, music videos... but, there's also so many sites, blogs and pages (FaceBook is loaded!) with this information; or channels like Vikki and Drama Fever that besides showing the latest drama or movies, presents every imaginable detail: behind the scenes, interviews, gossip,... but beyond fabulous Jung Il Woo (btw: loved his recent drama!) and cool 2PM is the force of the country and it's people (don't forget, the Asian-boyfriend challenge continues, too).

First, I looked into the sister city of Gwanju, with the advantage of existing diplomatic relationships. the city's site is complete and has updated information for tourists or those interested in relocating (very tempting). There were other sites, as well. One really called my attention, but we (Americans) have to pay a yearly membership fee of $45, well, obviously, didn't register. However, I sent messages to several sources (including the city hall) to start connecting with real people from Gwanju, yet, its too early to have any response. I made sure the request showed the honest intention of connecting with real social sites, not the generic or shady ones. Meanwhile, here's the site: http://english.gjcity.go.kr/eng_city/greeting.asp. It's worth getting to know this city better, did I mention it has a higher male population (roughly 6%, but still a better deal than in America)? And foreigners are less than 10,000 but the city embraces world culture and tourism, big time!

Then, in a wider scope, I looked into Korea's tourism national site: a great site! I was able to create a community under my blog's name (just like in Sinoplaybook but, with much more restrictions). Go to: FusionLatinasia's community to become a member and form a strong Latin presence to start our Korean connection. This also is the site looking for world bloggers where I submitted my request (still keeping my fingers crossed).

Well, it's is not much, I  honestly was wishing to have more to offer from Korea. But, I have to wait a little while for the feedback, just like the one we got from SPB (which is getting more interesting by the day). Nevertheless, it does look promising, let's just wait a little while, ok?

I'll be traveling on New Year's weekend, but that's not an excuse to be away from my blog... so I'll see you next week. Thank you all for viewing this blog, it is very impressive the amount of views in such a short time. I wonder... will it reach 1,000 before the end of year?... well, maybe I'm being a bit ambitious, nonetheless, it would be AWESOME!

Merry Christmas!

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