¡Bienvenidas Amigas Latinas!

¡Bienvenidas Amigas Latinas!
Este blog fue creado especialmente para mis amigas latinas contagiadas con la fiebre amarilla (¡y no es el flavivirus!). Si tienes los siguiente síntomas eres víctima del tsunami mas devastador de nuestra era:
* tienes los ojos hinchados: porque te amaneces viendo los nuevos episodios de K-drama,
* comes pescado crudo, y repollo fermentado con palillos (chopsticks),
* actualizaste tu pasaporte (o ya enviaste por el), y estás ahorrando los mile$$ para darte el viajecito en el futuro,
* te inscribiste en clases para aprender a hablar coreano, chino o japonés con la esperanza de comunicarte con tu ídolo cuando visites su país (¡espero que no sea un personaje de anime!),
*cantas las melodías de 2PM o de UVERworld, y,¡ni las entiendes!,
* perdiste el interés en tus compueblanos (¿qué compueblanos? ¡ja!) y miras hambrienta los pocos asiáticos que cruzan tu camino...

Pues, te invito a registrarte y para que compartas tu experiencia. Dime cómo y cuando te contagiaste, que cambios en tu vida ha traído esta influencia; si estas en busca de una pareja asiática o si ya la tienes (aunque por lo visto, no son muy comunes).

Vamos a unir nuestras voces, y a la vez fusionar los mercados mas grandes del mundo: el latino y el asiático. ¡Quien sabe! quizás nos escuchen a lo lejos y respondan; o mejor aún ¡nos visiten!...

Anímate, escribe pronto, ¿ok?
Te espero,
100% Latina

Contagiadas por la fiebre amarilla

Contagiadas por la fiebre amarilla...
Adictiva, emotiva y, desgarradoramente atractiva así son los dramas, películas y bandas musicales asiáticas. Están atrayendo a la mujer latina con una rapidez sorprendente.

Aquí podremos analizar nuestra adicción, compartir con otras latinas contagiadas, y alegrarnos de comprobar que no estamos solas. Mujeres de todas las edades están envueltas en este fenómeno, y no necesariamente por romanticismo (en mi caso yo estoy pasadita para amores idílicos)... sino porque nos agrada la variedad y lo nuevo.

Traeré variedad de comentarios y noticias para continuar alimentando la adicción.

Spanglish Welcomed!

Spanglish Welcomed!
For the Latina that has a hard time reading Spanish, follow the comments posted in English, too.

This blog was created for the Latina stricken with the yellow fever -not the flavivirus!- but the illness of being addicted to Asian productions such as drama, movies, music, anime or just the Asian culture in general.

The purpose is to gather your impressions, and to connect with other Latinas living the trend. It would also be great to get to know about Latina-Asian couples (it seems they are very rare).

Hope to hear from your experience!

Venciendo el estereotipo

Venciendo el estereotipo y prejuicio racial...
Vemos mas allá de los esterotipos y discriminación difundida en nuestra cultura latina por mala propaganda e ignorancia.


I got me an Asian Boyfriend!

Congrats! You went against all odds, and even defied conventionality to find love in a distant culture. You probably faced negative remarks or bravely took a stand against discriminatory advise. Nonetheless, you overcame the obstacles, and can finally proclaim: “I got me an Asian boyfriend!

Hence, we all know there's a lot more to it than just finding your guy. Like my grandma used to say: “sometimes happiness presents itself caught between two rocks”. What a frustrating image! But it contains a wise advice: happiness is a matter of dedication and persistence. In other words: dedication to know a person of another culture, and persistence in fusing both cultures equally.

You might have been lucky enough to meet your cute Asian boy personally. If so, you made it, and together (in the same time zone) will make it happen... The End!... right? Well, up to here it’s no different from other relationships. However, a cyber relationship has it's differences, and the bi-cultural factor accentuates them.

Internet dating is very common...
Internet dating is very common. Naturally it has its challenges, too. But these challenges intensify when you are dealing with cultural differences, and distance. Things are some more intense, and little details make it very special. But, it can get messy if you overlook certain things. Check these out: 
  • Time Zone: having strong genes against premature aging is your salvation against the damaging effects of sleep deprivation. If you don’t, then make sure you buy the best anti-aging products available. Time difference can be as much as 12 hours. While he’s sleeping you’re working (or partying), and the other way around. Meaning that,  spontaneously communicating with each other is very unlikely to happen. A finely synchronized logistic is required to make it happen. It also is prudent to take turns to pull the all-nighter. Making sure not to interfere with one another’s work or study schedule. This might seem trivial, but going around a few weeks without enough sleep can really have negative side effects. Also, not paying attention to your special person due to work or study can cause resentment. We all know how that goes! So make a schedule that works for both.
  • Advanced Technology: it’s so frustrating to have internet failures in the midst of chatting! You are left there, just hanging in suspense, even more after a teasing remark. Insecurity waves shocking through your brain as you wait: “did I offend him?”; “He might think I’m tacky”; “He’s clueless”. But of all the cyber failures, a lousy web cam is the worst! Have you ever seen your image frozen on screen? Why does it have to be the ugliest gesture? A horribly twisted mouth while saying ‘I love you’ or, with your eyes half open like on an LSD trip. You remain perplexed, staring at your disfigured image. Waiting to sign in again, and show him your best possible smile... 
  • Translations and Interpretation. Be careful with the translations, even more if you both are using a second language. Word order, meaning and even definitions can vary immensely. And if you are using an automatic translator, please use in moderation. With these tools, complex sentences and paragraphs translate into incoherent blobs of words. Be patient. Don’t take it literally. Get to know his first language to make a better sense of your conversations. For example: reading literature (translated to your language, of course!) can help you learn the way thoughts and ideas are organized, and expressed. Logically, this also applies to him. Plus, exchanging language lessons is very enticing, enhancing the chance of getting to know each other better.
  • The Meeting: this is the most important and exciting part of cyber dating. Therefore, it should be planned carefully. It’s prudent to make a budget. Get as much information about costs and traveling expenses. Most importantly: organize all documents, visas, and traveling requirements needed for international trips. These are lengthy processes, and take a great deal of time to complete. Don’t get caught unprepared. Be ready to board the first flight!

Although these details seem insignificant, they can adversely delay, distort and even impede a good communication. Be prepared, and peacefully enjoy your interracial cyber love until you decide to get official… but this is a totally new topic!


  1. Internet dating is very common, but challenging if the distance is much and there is uncertainty and difficulties to make it happen easily when those dating want to meet...

  2. Hi, Comrade!
    A relationship surely turns challenging with distance. But, I think it also makes it interesting. And planning the encounter makes us think if it is actually what we want to do. You know, the process of bringing a desire into a reality: expenses, travel arrangements, location... it's not the same than meeting at a the closest Starbucks in 30 minutes.
    Nice to see you here, Comrade. Thanks for visiting!
